Groupwork about Elbe Beaver
The Elbe beaver
Our group has made a poster and written a story. The story was about a young beaver who lives in the Elbe with his family. When he grew older he swam through the Elbe and searched for a beaver female. After a long travel he found a cute and friendly beaver and the two fell in love with eachother. They have many kids together and have a big family and live happily in the Elbe.
The beaver lives everywhere where there is water. He builds „castles“ or causeys out of wood where they can live in and females can bear offsprings. |
They eat leaves and barks from trees with soft wood. They cut down the trees and bring them then in their castles where they gnaw them. In summer they also eat young grass, cereals and herbages. When they live near fields they also eat corn or sugar beets. |
They can grow up to 100cm and have a taillong of 30-38cm. Their weight is between 23 and 30kg and they can get over 30 years old. |
The rodents are nocturnal and crepscurlar. They must learn diving and swimming when they are young.
They don’t sleep in winter but they don’t leave their castle for weeks.
Today the beaver get problems because humans clear the forests and shores too much, so the beaver can’t find enough wood. Neither do they find enough streaming water. Foresters complain that the beavers constrict the forestry, but luckily, today the beaver is a protected animal.
In the middle ages the beaver was widespread all over Europe. He was hunted because of his fur, meat and a special secretion what men in the past used like a perfume.
Today he lives in the Donube, Elbe and Rhone (France), in Easteurope and Scandinavia and is a nice and useful animal.